Dursley Male Voice Choir

Friends of Dursley Male Voice Choir
The Friends Scheme was introduced in 2005/2006 to involve people in the choir in a non singing capacity through attendance at its concerts and a closer association with its activities. The benefits offered by membership as a friend are:
Advance notice and purchase of tickets for the Annual and Christmas Concerts.
Opportunities to participate with the choir in its activities, concert trips and tours
You can attend choir practice nights as observers and bring guests to see the choir at work.
A choir lapel badge that identifies you as a Friend of Dursley Male Voice Choir
Two newsletters a year giving details of news and events involving the choir and its programme
The choir is always grateful for help at its concerts with “front of house duties”, for example: ticket collection, raffle preparation, CD sales etc. If you would be prepared to help if approached, please indicate on the application form that can be downloaded below.
Anyone who has been a choir member for 5 years or more and their partner can automatically become a Friend of the choir.